Sunday, 19 April 2009

White Throated Sparra

I woke this morning and thought what to do.Low tide and in the afternoon at goldcliff i thought not.One hour and 34 minutes later i was in Old Winchester Hall an viewing this little Gem.Why it was suppressed for so long is anybody guess.


Richard Powell said...

What????? 1 hour and 34 minutes of travelling!

Try just over 3 and a half hours, and your photo looks very similar to mine! See Birdguides!

From the angle Nathan, I think you were a bit further along the footpath. It must've been at the same time, when the bird was seen in the Hawthorn, just prioer to when the bird was seen feeding along the seeded path.


Weekend Birder said...

Yeah you must have been a few more spaces up than me.Nice views when it was up in the Hawthorn.